Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hay, anyone still alive out there that can read this? Its strange that i still have a connection to the internet with all this crap going on. Anyway I live in Bloomingdale, IL which is about 10 minuets drive from schaumberg or the landmark woodfield mall. I have been hearing about dead people coming back and attacking the living people. funny to even write that. anyway, i hear chicago has gotten pretty bad pretty much all over. theres traffic everywhere and seems people are starting to pack up and getting out of town. Thankfully my mother is with my sister and she lives in a very country area and the name of the town evades me at the moment but its all cornfields in the south side of Illinois. not much of anything around them. me however i will be screwed when it starts over in my area. folks here are getting ready to leave too. i decided after seeing the news reports of traffic and just pure chaos im keeping the family here in the house. ive spray painted all the windows black all but little peek holes in the corners of the windows to peek out. i am reinforcing them with some oak boards that are in the garage leftover from my brother in law. its funny hes a cop and we havent heard from him since the shit hit the fan. he works for a federal mental hospital as a security officer. I may not get along so well with him but for my wife's sake i hope hes OK. My mother in law is here with us taking care of my son while me and my wife have been working on reinforcing the openings.
shit, just heard gunfire outside and woke up my son and he scared.. we all are. I'm not sure if this is the safest place to be. i do have the front door blocked by my car and the backdoor by my mother in laws truck, so if something does happen and we need to get out in a hurry we can jump in either vehicle and get the heck out. My wife wants to stay here and wait it out and hope help arrives.. in the meantime we still have power.. not a lot of areas do but im hoping it holds out.
I hope someone else out there is reading this and can maybe offer any insight into whats going on out there besides whats on tv. i'll write more later...stay safe
